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Steht doch dort auf der Seite bei den Terms of use:

If you are using Freeplay Music for:


1. Local, regional, or any non-ASCAP/BMI licensed broadcast television use

2. Local, regional, or any non-licensed cable television use

3. Television use premiering outside the US

4. Advertising and Promo use

5. All Radio Use

6. Direct-to-video, DVD, CD, CDR DVDR or other including replication, distribution, promotional, or sale.

7. Books, Magazines, Games, Electronic and Toy Use

8. Non-Broadcast Multi Media Use (Live events, Power Point presentations, trade shows/conventions, etc.)

9. Music on Hold

10. Internet - Website Use (to promote a business, product, service or club)

11. Personal Website Use (Non-Commercial)

12. Wireless Content: Ring Tones / Blogs / Shareware / Freeware / Wireless Gaming, etc.

13. Greeting Cards / Email Greeting Cards / Email Brochures

14. Podcasting

15. Film Festivals / Competitions

16. Religious Use (most)

17. Non-Profit (most)


Then Freeplay Music requires a signed license agreement and a license fee payment as described in the Freeplay Music Rate Card.

Und hier der Direktlink zu den Gebühren für kommerzielle Videos:


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