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Fsuipc 3.7.

Empfohlene Beiträge


Hallo Flusianer


Gestern bin ich über eine Info gestolpert dass die aktuelle FSUIPC Version 3.7. ist. Und siehe da, tatsächlich.


Mehr auf www.schiratti.com


Version 3.70 (July 2006)

  • The ShortAircraftNameOk parameter can now be set to ‘Substring’ to make FSUIPC accept aircraft names with the INI file aircraft name included as a sub-string anywhere within the full name. This gives more flexibility in applying aircraft-specific assignments, and applies to all sections using the facility (i.e. Axes, Calibrations, Buttons, and Keys).

  • Additional offsets are provided for water rudder data from FS:
    - 2A78 water left rudder position (double)
    - 2A80 water right rudder position (double)
    - 2A88 water rudder handle position (32-bit BOOL)

  • An error is fixed in the Buttons and Keys assignment facilities. This could have disabled the final button or key assignment left when the penultimate one is deleted.

  • Bit 2^4 (value 16) in offset 330C is set when the FSUIPC Hot Key for throttle synchronisation is used and the sync engages.

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