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Virtual Planepictures wurde geschloßen!

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Hallo Leute,

für mich eine doch überraschende Nachricht des frühen Morgens:


VPP permanently closed I'm sorry to inform you that VPP does no longer exist. The old server has been cancelled effective 24/8; prior to that we moved all files over to another server where enough space was available and then while attempting to unpack the archive it turned out that the HD wouldn't work properly, producing seek errors, and needed to be replaced with a fresh one.


Meanwhile I wasn't allowed to create any more network traffic after cancellation, like moving a huge 20 GB archive again over to an alternate place, and what we had left was sitting on a broken HD - you get the drama.


End of story, we hope you enjoyed VPP during the last couple of years and I thank all contributors and especially the screeners for the immense work done.


May it R.i.P.


Ingo Richardt

ex-Admin of VPP


Here to the real ones


Danke für die Info.


Schade drum. War immer mal wieder gerne auf der Homepage. Hatte tolle Bilder drin.





:001: :001: :001: :001: :001: :001: :001: :002::002::002::002::002::002::002::002::002::002::002::002:




HOLGI!!!( da kenn ich einen der Traurig darüber sein wird wenn er aus den Ferien kommt!!)





OH ja und wie traurig ich bin :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002:


LG Daniel :002: :002:

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