Heinzi Geschrieben 13. August 2006 Geschrieben 13. August 2006 Here is a report of the first leg of the "Tristar's" Transfer flight: Palmdale Airport, the L1011 is ready, the SPRINGBOK cockpit crew is arrived from their hotel. A few checks outside and inside and then they are ready. Taxi-clearence is aproved, SZ087 taxi to H/P RWY07 "CapeTown 087, cleared for take off rwy 07" Gear up, A/P on and climbing FL350 Now the "Tristar" is climbing to its crusing altitude FL350, there the aircraft fly with Mach 0.83 And after 1:40 H the new aircraft of SPRINGBOK descents to the international airport of Monterrey, Mexico. The airport is in sight, ready for visual approach rwy 24 "CapeTown 087, you are cleared for land rwy 24" Retard, retard! "CapeTown 087 taxi to night parking position" The first leg is finished, soon the Tristar and the transfer crew will fly the next leg to Panama Zitieren
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