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AFG YS-11 released...


Empfohlene Beiträge

Sorry for not posting this in German, my skills in the German language is limited, but I thought this would be of enough interest to warrant an english post.


AFG Press Release

By: Håkon Søreide/CEO AFG




The AlliedFsGroup is very pleased to bring you the fruits of our team's latest efforts resulting in a high detail version of the NAMC YS-11 turboprop aircraft. Features on the models:


- True FS2002 model, designed with G-Max.

- Reflective textures.

- FS2002 night lighting effects.

- Animated flight surfaces.

- "Dirty" textures, exhaust stains etc.

- True flight model

- Animated opening door, with folding airstair.

- Animated spinning props, the ANK livery has it's distinctive prop spinner textures.

- 3D cockpit with reflective windows (the aircraft does not support a Virtual cockpit).


The initial release will include these six liveries:

Aerolineas Argentinas, Air Nippon, Air Caribbean, Japan Transocean Air, Reeve Aleutian Airlines and Southwest Air Lines, with the aircraft we have kindly been offered a high quality sound rendition of the RR Dart engines that powers the aircraft, made by Ryuji Ozawa


With some four months in design, the aicraft project was started by Esa Kaihlanen and since the project started more people have given their assistance. Esa and AFG would like to thank the following for their help and assistance with the project:


3D pilots, seats and corresponding textures: Microsoft Corporation

Flight dynamics: Ari Kaihlanen

Master textures: Tom Everitt

Sound package: Ryuji Ozawa


Mr. Ryuji Ozawa and Mr. Hiroshi Igami for providing photographic and written material to a great extent. Mr. Theodore Chronopoulos for providing us with some critical flight performance information.For stall modeling the excellent documentation provided by Steve Baugh was used. Some of the related flight dynamics values may be present in this model. We hope you will enjoy downloading this freeware aircraft, as much as we've enjoyed designing it.



Kind Regards

Håkon Søreide

CEO - AlliedFsGroup http://www.alliedfsgroup.com

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