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Well... This are 2 Photos from San Rafael (Argentina) were I used to live... It's a domestic Airport with not much Air Traficc. As my camara was broked 6 months ago I can't take some shoots... hope to get a new one soon.

The Airplane it's a Boeing 737-200 from Aerolineas Argentinas departuring to Buenos Aires from San Rafael (Mendoza)






As this ones are the only left on my PC, I don't want to post someone else pics (that's steal). :001:

Hope you like it... and I promess to take some from Argentina Main Airports (Ezeiza and Aeroparque) :cool:




Hey Wally,


thanks for the two nice shots from Argentina! So nice to see something totally new here, and of course I'm eagerly waiting for your update(s) from other airports! :)


Nice to see these 737-200 still in use, they have become a very rare sight here in Europe...


So, thanks for posting y buenas noches!





Hola Wally, muchas gracias por las fotos interesantes. Cuando podemos ver otras fotos de Argentina ? Me interesan muchos los aviones y aerolineas Argentinas. Por favor no dejanos esperar mucho.


Saludos desde Alemania.


Hi Wally...


Thanks for sharing those pictures with us!

We hope you´ll get a new camera soon so that we can enjoy more pictures from Argentinia :)


And what beautiful skies you have... :008:


Muchas gracias para las fotos, me gustan mucho. Estoy esperando con impaciencia las siguientes... :008:


¡Hasta luego!


Great shots, Walter!

The second one is better in my opinion, interesting perspective! :005:

As Tis already said, B737-200s really have become a rare sight here, although they are old already, they are still very interesting and nice to see.


I also hope you get a new camera soon, the pics themselves are great, only the quality still needs some improvement. :)





Thaks all ! 737-200 still work hard in Argentina... it's an old plane. But Argentina Aviation Administration has published a resolution than all 737-200 can fly until 2008. Aerolineas Argentinas became a plan to change 737-200 for 737-500 last year.


In domestic flights Aerolinas Argentinas/Austral got: 737-200, 737-500, MD-81 MD-83, MD-88.

In domestic flights Lan Argentina got: 737-200 (they got 4) and 1 A-320.

And the new one Andes Lineas Aereas got a md-82 (only 1, they start operations 10 days ago) :008:


As soon I get my new camera I'll post photos... :p



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