margeorg Geschrieben 19. Oktober 2005 Geschrieben 19. Oktober 2005 Hallo liebe Onlineflieger, unsere Kollegen von der tschechischen FIR veranstalten dieses Wochenende einen ATC- Marathon. Und da die CZ-FIR ja direkt an unser Gebiet angerenzt und man somit sehr kurze Flugzeiten hat dürfte das doch auch für viele hier interessant sein, oder? Ich stelle daher mal die Originalwerbung der Kollegen direkt hier rein: Czech VACC-CZ is organizing major event called "Czech Online Days". Event will be held at Prague FIR at weekend 21st - 23rd of October. As always, you may expect high quality and friendly ATC services and very well staffed Prague airport (LKPR) as well as Ostrava regional airport (LKMT). In addition, Czech Airlines Virtual will also have major event at the same time so the traffic intenzity will raise more and above and the real pilots and ATCs probably will participate at this event. SCHEDULE Friday -- 1800Z - 2200Z Saturday -- 0800Z - 2200Z Sunday -- 1500Z - 2100Z * * LKPR will be partner of the VARA event - Virtual Airlines Reliability Award ( ) DOWNLOADS - SCENERIES, CHARTS, PROCEDURES... For more infos and downloads let's visit our web: Come and enjoy Prague FIR staffed. No registration, no slots, any pilot will be welcome. Pavel Svoboda VACC CZ Event. Coord. Zitieren
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