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[VATSIM] Cross the pond 6 - der Klassiker kommt!

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Mark Jansen, Director der Dutch VACC hat sich mächtig ins Zeug gelegt und die Düsseldorf FIR ist diesmal mit von der Partie, wenn ihr ex EDDL fliegen wollt.




Ever thought of crossing the Atlantic Ocean on VATSIM? But never did it, cause you thought Atlantic crossings are lonely and the chance for ATC is small anyway? This is your chance!!


VATSIM presents Cross the Pond 6 - an event that is all about crossing the Atlantic from Europe to North America with as many pilots as we can get!


Cross the Pond 6 will be held on Sunday, the 13th of November with departures starting from 1000 UTC. Pilots have the choice to depart either from Amsterdam, The Netherlands or Düsseldorf, Germany. Routes can be flown to New York's John F. Kennedy airport or Washington Dulles international airport.


Pilots who would like to participate are REQUIRED TO book a slot at the events website, http://www.dutchvacc.nl/crossthepond/crossthepond.html . This is necessary to streamline traffic and to prevent a situation that too many pilots are willing to depart at the same time.


Flying over the Atlantic Ocean with so many pilots around you and full ATC coverage is truly an experience! The capacity of Oceanic routes is limited due to lack of radar. ATC solely trusts on pilots' positions reports!


During your Atlantic crossing, you will be guided by VATSIM's best Air Traffic Controllers in every country that will be crossed, including Oceanic control by Shanwick and Gander! This is truly an unforgettable experience!


So go ahead, book your slots now at the event website, and join Cross the Pond 6!





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