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Swiss pro autogen ?


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Hello. Can you please help me with the autogen of Swiss pro. I have seen a lot of screenshots here but i dont understand german so i dont know, is there already a complete autogen for swiss professional? or maybe for some regions.. and if yes where i can download it. I am a great fan of switzerland but because there is not any autogen and night textures in the swiss professional so i dont use it, but i am so looking forward to do it, could you help me..

Thanks a lot. :007:


Youri (from Moscow) :)

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Hello Youri,


first of all I'm very happy to hear that even people from Russia are interested in our project :)


The canton of Tessin with Autogen placed by BernhardS (southern Switzerland) is already available.


In >this< thread you can find the actual status of the different regions.

Green means that the region is finished. Red means that autogen is beeing placed in that Region by a corresponding person which is mentioned below the map.

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Thanks a lot. I understood that i should download the file Switzerland_Pro_SouthEast.zip (1.5 MB) :confused: for the autogen of The canton of Tessin? but there is no link for the Lugano region wich is also ready as i understood ? :confused:

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Hi Youri


You need only the file "Switzerland_Pro_SouthEast.zip" (1.5 MB) It contains all the autogen which is available for the canton tessin.

You are looking for a link for the autogen for Lugano! Lugano is a part of the canton tessin and it is included in the file "Switzerland_Pro_SouthEast.zip"


I have done autogen for the canton Glarus. It is also green in the map but until now, there is no link to download it. check it again in future.




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