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Swiss: Winterflugplan 2005/2006 (Commercialaviationtoday)

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Swiss Unveils Details of Winter Schedule


Swiss International Air Lines yesterday unveiled details of its

winter schedule - its first as part of the Lufthansa Group.

Swiss will offer its own service to a total of 69 destinations -

27 intercontinental and 42 European - in its new winter sche-

dule, operated with a fleet of 70 aircraft.


The new timetable sees growing collaboration by Swiss with

Lufthansa and Star Alliance members TAP Portugal and Au-

strian Airlines. The airline also will be substantially reducing

its services to and from EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg.


Swiss's own service pattern to and from Zurich will remain

virtually unchanged, with a network of 41 European and 27

intercontinental destinations. Service from Geneva to Lisbon

will be operated solely by TAP Portugal from the beginning of

September onwards and will be withdrawn from the Geneva/

Rome route at the beginning of October. Otherwise, Swiss's

Geneva-based service pattern remains unchanged for the win-

ter schedule.


From Oct. 30, Swiss will serve London City, Brussels and Am-

sterdam from EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg using one

Embraer 145 and one Avro RJ100. Frankfurt, Munich and Düs-

seldorf also will be served from Basel through a codeshare

agreement with Lufthansa, and Vienna will be similarly ser-

ved via a codeshare with Austrian Airlines.


Swiss and Lufthansa will be harmonizing their schedules be-

tween Switzerland and Germany from the start of the 2005/06

winter schedule on Oct. 30. All Lufthansa and Swiss flights be-

tween the two countries will be operated on a codeshare basis.

Swiss and Lufthansa say they are also working on additional co-

deshare routes between their hubs and European and intercon-

tinental destinations.


Swiss also is expanding the codeshare flights it operates toge-

ther with Star Alliance members TAP Portugal and Austrian Air-

lines. All flights between Switzerland and Portugal now will

operate as codeshares with TAP Portugal, and all flights to Vien-

na from Basel, Geneva and Zurich will be operated as code-

shares with Austrian Airlines.


Swiss: timetable news


Weiss jemand ab wann der Winterplan online verfügbar ist ? Gibt es da gewisse Deadlines bis wann so was drin sein muss ?




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