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Suche Freeware Airports Holland

Peter Leonhard

Empfohlene Beiträge

Hallo zusammen


Ich habe mir VFR Netherlands gekauft und möchte noch einige Freeware

Airports dazu. Ich suche Schiphol, Leeuwarden und Insel Texel.

Weiss jemand einen guten Link für diese Airports?


Herzlichen Dank im Voraus und


Gruess us Winti


Peter wink.gif

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Hallo Peter


Auf www.nl-2000.com kannst du die NL2000 Scenery herunterladen. Sie ist Freeware und enthält nebst EHAM und EHTX noch zahlreiche weitere Airports in NL. Eine ausführliche Dokumentation ist ebenfalls enthalten.


Viel Vegrnügen beim Fliegen in Holland!



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  • 2 Wochen später...
Johan "Bigfoot"

Halo Peter


Hier etwas info uber NL2000 die gratis scenery die durch mitglieder

unsere flightsim verein gemacht sind.


Viele Grusse aus Holland von (Feste) Austauschpilot der VSAF Johan "Bigfoot" van de Peppel. :005:



Wen man NL2000 in google suchmachine eingibt findet man gleich die link zur homepage NL2000.



Die download steht ganz oben links im bild.

Zuerst die basis downloaden



und dan spater die zwei updates

Alle links stehen hier unter:

Also zu erst V2.9 dann V2.91 und zum schluss V2.92

Man kan die files auch einfag beim flightsim.com oder avsim.com downloaden


The Netherlands 2000 scenery version 2.9 - http://www.avsim.com mirror

Description: This is a total new V2.9 release of The Netherlands 2000. The scenery is compatible with FS2002 and FS2004.

Included are now AFCAD files, completely rebuilded airports and a new basic surface. A model with landable water is also included, and the new featurepanel will help you to install many different add-on's.

Version: 2.9 Filesize: 219.76 MB

Added on: 23-Apr-2004 Downloads: 9545 Rating: 6 (5 Votes)

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The Netherlands 2000 scenery version 2.9 - http://www.flightsim.com mirror

Das ist der v2.9 oder 2.9a

Dan brauchst du niuer die updute 2.91 und 2.92 noch zu installieren

NL2000 2.91 Service Pack - http://www.avsim.com mirror

Description: This is an update for The Netherlands 2000 Scenery version 2.9 to version 2.91.


* version 2.9 must already be installed *.


Fixes many problems found after version 2.9 was released.


Search library for the file Nl2k29s1.zip

Version: 2.91 Filesize: 36.41 MB

Added on: 14-Jun-2004 Downloads: 9841 Rating: 6 (3 Votes)

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Links fur V2.91:


NL2000 2.91 Service Pack - http://www.flightsim.com mirror

Description: This is an update for The Netherlands 2000 Scenery version 2.9 to version 2.91.


* version 2.9 must already be installed *.


Fixes many problems found after version 2.9 was released.


Search library for the file Nl2k29s1.zip

Version: 2.91 Filesize: 36.41 MB

Added on: 14-Jun-2004 Downloads: 4370 Rating: 10 (1 Vote)

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The Netherlands 2000 scenery version 2.91 - http://www.avsim.com mirror - COMPLETE VERSION

Description: This is a the new V2.91 release of The Netherlands 2000. The scenery is compatible with FS2002 and FS2004. Included are now AFCAD files, completely rebuilded airports and a new basic surface. A model with landable water is also included, and the new featurepanel will help you to install many different add-on's.


Search library for Nl2kv291.zip

Version: 2.91 Filesize: 217.57 MB

Added on: 14-Jun-2004 Downloads: 21097 Rating: 8 (5 Votes)

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The Netherlands 2000 scenery version 2.91 - http://www.flightsim.com mirror - COMPLETE VERSION

Description: This is a the new V2.91 release of The Netherlands 2000. The scenery is compatible with FS2002 and FS2004. Included are now AFCAD files, completely rebuilded airports and a new basic surface. A model with landable water is also included, and the new featurepanel will help you to install many different add-on's.


Search library for Nl2kv291.zip

Version: 2.91 Filesize: 217.57 MB

Added on: 14-Jun-2004 Downloads: 11834 Rating: 8 (8 Votes)

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Und fur V2.92


The Netherlands 2000 scenery v2.9 service pack 2 - AVSIM Mirror

Description: This is Service Pack 2 for NL2000 version 2.9. The Netherlands 2000 V2.9 Scenery is the award winning free scenery package covering the Netherlands. It solves some issues and contains improvements in the installer, scenery and featurepanel (better afcads, runway light at daylight, etc). Your need nl2000 v2.91 to install this update.


Search library for the file: nl2k29s2.zip

Version: 2.92 Filesize: 19.48 Kb

Added on: 01-Feb-2005 Downloads: 5797 Rating: 4 (2 Votes)

HomePage | Rate Resource | Details


The Netherlands 2000 scenery v2.9 service pack 2 - FlightSim Mirror

Description: This is Service Pack 2 for NL2000 version 2.9. The Netherlands 2000 V2.9 Scenery is the award winning free scenery package covering the Netherlands. It solves some issues and contains improvements in the installer, scenery and featurepanel (better afcads, runway light at daylight, etc). Your need nl2000 v2.91 to install this update.


Search library for the file: nl2k29s2.zip

Version: 2.92 Filesize: 19.48 Kb

Added on: 01-Feb-2005 Downloads: 2692 Rating: 8 (1 Vote)

HomePage | Rate Resource | Details




Viele Grusse aus Holland

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