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AC takes delivery of Embraer 175

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Embraer yesterday announced Air Canada has delivered the first

three of 15 Embraer 175 jets to Air Canada, the launch custom-

er for the model.


Deliveries of all 15 Embraer 175s to Air Canada are expected to

be complete by the end of the year. Deliveries of the first two

Embraer 175 jets to Air Canada took place last week.


The Embraer 175s for Air Canada are configured in two classes.

They will carry 73 passengers, nine in Executive Class (three ab-

reast at 38-inch pitch) and 64 in Hospitality Class (four abreast

at 34- and 32-inch pitch).


The Embraer 175, along with the Embraer 170, received certi-

fication earlier this month from Transport Canada Civil Aviation,

Canada’s certification authority.


Air Canada also has ordered 45 Embraer 190s to be equipped in

a 93-seat configuration (nine in Executive class and 84 in Hospi-

tality class). Embraer 190 deliveries to begin in November 2005,

following certification of the aircraft in Canada.


As of June 30, the Embraer 170/190 family had logged 412 firm

orders and 373 options.






Ja gestern der ertse Flug nach New York LGA... Und auch ein ILS user hat schon ein bild vom APP auf YYZ aus dem backyard geschossen(Ian Duke)...


Ja ja hoffen wir auf eine gute zukunft mit der 175er...




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