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Invitation to the Virtual Aviation Live Meeting CAVOK 2005

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Dear fellow flight simulator and VATSIM enthusiasts,


Finnish Virtual Aviators' Association (SVIL ry - http://www.svil.fi) in co-operation with VACC Finland (http://vacc.fi/) organizes their fourth annual virtual aviation live meeting "CAVOK 2005" on 12th - 19th June 2005 in Jämijärvi airfield (EFJM), Finland. During the live event there are a lot of aviation related activities, interesting seminars, excursions to the nearby airports and air traffic controls.


In this year, we are happy to invite also fellow enthusiasts from other countries. You will find a description about the event at our website http://www.svil.fi/cavok2005/english.php. At this moment, we have over 20 participants from the Finland for the full week or just a few days / weekend. The actual program is not yet confirmed, but there will be activities for the whole week in the co-operation with the Finnish airlines, airports, the local flying clubs and many other groups. Information about the event location is available at the hotel's website: http://www.hotellijami.com/?kieli=eng


We will organize the shuttle bus service to the event location from/to Helsinki area. The accommodation options are at the hotel or at the nearby camping area. The location itself is in the middle of the idyllic Finnish countryside that gives an unique athmosphere for the whole event.


The nearby Tampere-Pirkkala airport is an excellent destination, if you want to arrive by plane. Ryanair flies daily services from Frankfurt-Hahn, London-Stansted and Riga. Also Blue1 (SAS) has daily direct flights from Stockholm-Arlanda and Copenhagen-Kastrup with excellent connections around the world. We will provide a free transportation from the Tampere-Pirkkala airport to the event location!


Please forward this invitation to your website, discussion forum and friends that might be interested to participate the event.


For more details, enrollment forms and any help with the transportation, flight connections and other subjects related to the event, you may contact me by e-mail, by phone or any other method. Please find the contact details below.




With best regards,

Ville Mattila

CAVOK 2005 Organizer


mobile +358-40-8497506


SVIL ry / VACC Finland (ACCFIN4)


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