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SQ3 Release Date!

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es haben sicher schon fast alle irgendwo gelesen.Ich zeig es nur noch schnell hier im flightforum:


SquawkBox 3 Release Date

While I feel like I should accompany this with some huge flashing disclaimer, I finally feel like I can give you all a date for SquawkBox's release. My best guess at this point is that it will ship during the last week of March.


As I have indicated, several things that need to happen before release are out of my control. So I certainly can't guarantee this date. But after all the discussion about the release date, I figured I would let you know as soon as I felt confident enough to predict it.


Release Candidate 3 went out to testers tonight. The open bug list is now completely empty. A final release candidate will be released in a few days which will have all beta version specific code removed. Barring any problems being reported, that build is the version that will ship.


As always, thanks for your continued support and patience.


Mit anderen Worten zwischen dem 24.03 und 31.03 ist die SQ3 endlich zuhaben und auf VATSIM entsteht ein neues Zeitalter.

Hier noch die erfreulich aussehende Buglist:


Bug List Summary

Currently open bugs: 0

Fixed bugs awaiting release: 1

Slated for a future release: 41

Fixed bugs already released: 290


Viel Spaß beim ausharren;)

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