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Landegebühren - kommt demnächst auch Streckengebühr ?

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Hallo liebes Forum,


irgentwo habe ich gelesen,daß sich ziemlich wichtige Leute in Brüssel Gedanken machen,um neue Geldeinnahmen.


So diskutiert man um die Einführung einer Streckenflugpauschale im VFR Flug.

Wie man diese Gebühr letztendlich umsetzen will ist noch unklar (Jahresgebühr od. generelle Einführung von einen Flugplan).

Was ist an den Überlegungen wirklich dran ? wie gesagt,sind es bislang nur Gerüchte. Aber ich rege mich hier tierisch auf !

Da wird Benzin immer teurer, Landegebühren (wie sagt man: im eigenem Ermessen) und nun soll auch noch eine Streckenpauschale kommen ?

Sorry das ich so aufgeregt bin ...


Gruß Chaski




da war was geplant (siehe anhang).

ohne gewähr - soll aber bereits wieder für die GA < 2t FAST vom tisch sein - u.a. in 'Aviation & Pilote' in F soll baldigst ein beitrag zum thema kommen.

in OE hat u.a. die AOPA [ http://www.aopa.at/news.htm ] eine kompetente gegendarstellung geschrieben.



wolfgang ex loww, vie



---------zitat anfang--------

aus uk.rec.aviation:


"The Single European Sky is here - now comes the bill

The Single European Sky (SES) was adopted on 20th

April this year. Following that, a new way to charge

for the use of airspace is now underway and your

participation in the consultation process is vital.


As it will not be possible to present this matter in

Instrument Pilot in time for the response deadline, we

are making this request to each member, asking you to

read this mail, fill in the attached form and e-mail

it to Eurocontrol. Failure to do so will mean that the

views of PPL/IR pilots will not be properly

represented and we will be the losers.

Consultation process

Eurocontrol has been empowered by the European

Commission (EC) to undertake a consultation on

"Implementing Rules on a Common Charging Scheme for

Air Navigation Services" for all users. Responses to

the consultation must reach Eurocontrol by 17th

September. They then report to the EC in mid October

and the regulations come into effect early next year.


With such an impossibly short time scale it is

imperative that we make our views know quickly and



Planned charges


The plans are to charge all airspace users for their

use of air navigation services throughout the EU! This

includes all sectors of General Aviation (GA), both

VFR and IFR, and regardless of aircraft size!


The charges will include not only air navigation

services but also met services and search and rescue

costs. There is provision for a complex calculation of

direct and indirect costings.


It is clear there is going to be charging. Governments

across Europe have accepted the principle of "the user

pays" when passing legislation enabling the SES. At

least the UK Department for Transport (DfT) is

sympathetic to the plight of GA and wants to exclude

us per the current airways charges exemptions but the

regulations don't permit that unless the Government

pays the costs thereof to the Air Navigation Service

Providers - and it won't!


However, the devil is in the detail and the DfT is

completely lost on all of that and appears not to have

considered even the basic options of how the charges

might apply to GA and its various sectors. There is

mooted a basic annual charge on aircraft and/or pilots

but they do not even know how many non-UK registered

aircraft and pilots there are in the UK.


The DfT is keen that we make firm representations

direct to Eurocontrol and PPL/IR Europe’s response has

already been sent and is attached to this posting as a

PDF file.


In addition to this, PPL/IR Europe members are asked

to make a personal response to Eurocontrol as much

more notice will be taken if many individual responses

are received.


Please make sure that you use the reply form provided

by Eurocontrol as responses not using the form will be

ignored and returned to the sender! The form, as well

as detailed background documentation, can be

downloaded from: http://www.eurocontrol.int/enprm/.


Feel free to base your response on the PPL/IR Europe

reply, amended as you think fit, but please also

include your personal comments. Hundreds of identical

copies of the same response will fail to impress

Eurocontrol, but hundreds of individual responses just

might make a dent.


Responses must reach Eurocontrol no later than 17th

September by one of the following means:


E-mail to:



Or snail mail to:

Jean-Luc Garnier,

Head of Regulatory Unit,


Rue de la Fusée, 96,

B – 1130 BRUSSELS,



Or fax to:

+322 729 5190


Please copy the DfT at: Caroline.Wall@dft.gsi.gov.uk

and PPL/IR Europe at: pauld.pace@btclick.com


Thank you for your help in this crucial matter,


Paul Draper


PPL/IR Europe

-----------zitat ende-------

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