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Corfu International Airport


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Corfu International airport begins with the landing of plane Heston Phoenix (shipping register SXAAH) on 22 March 1937, with captain the Efstratio Xidi. At the duration of Second World War, it was used by planes of axis where they found shelter after martial enterprises. A small building of passenger station was built 1962. In April 1965 the airport became International and the first flight under Air Traffic Control was realized with jet type Comet of OLYMPIC AIRWAYS. Ôhe manufacture of new passenger station was finished In 1972. The international airport ‘Ioannis Kapodistrias’ of Kerkira island (also named Corfu island) is one of the most frequent destinations of charter flights from the aboard during the summer’s months, that for it became widely known between all the members of IVAO and VATSIM, but mainly to the Europeans.


Bin z.Z. online unterwegs und kann es desshalb nicht testen, sorry...


mfg tobi

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