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[Soundset] GE CF6-50C2, PW4000, GE CF6-80

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Einige neue Soundsets liegen bei AVSIM zum Testen bereit


Mike Maarse - DC-10-10/15/30 GE CF6-50C2

This soundset is created specifically for the DC-10-10/15/30 series by SGA, the best threeholer around! I thought my CF6-50E2 package would be 100% compatible with SGA's DC-10 family, but I was wrong. After a while though, I finally got it right and decided to release it as a completely new soundset. I also added some new APU & internal system sounds to enhance the experience. Enjoy!!


Devyn Silverstein PW4000

Finally released due to popular demand. I bring you all the PW4000 series soundset. All exterior sounds in this set were recorded off of United 767-322s, Korean Air Cargo MD-11Fs, and Singapore Cargo 747-412Fs at very close range for even more realism. The spool-up (which is only true to aircraft with these engines) is 95% authentic and were recorded off of PW4060 powered aircraft. You will not be dissapointed. Huge file size, I know, but these are very worth it. Please Enjoy. Recomended for use with IFDG's recently released PW model MD11, Any good 767 model you can get your hands on, and the POSKY 747-400.


Devyn Silverstein CF6-80

Finally released due to popular demand. I bring you all the GE CF6-80 series soundset. All exterior sounds in this set were recorded off of countless American 767s, Virgin Atlantic 747-400s, and Cargolux 747-400GEs at very close range for even more realism. The spool-up (which is only true to aircraft with these engines) is 95% authentic and were recorded off of CF6-80 powered aircraft. You will not be dissapointed. Huge file size, I know, but these are very worth it. Please Enjoy. Recomended for use with the Project Opensky 747-400, and any good 767 model you can get your hands on. I'd strongly recomend Sunny Xia's 767, it was my testbed for these sounds. Please Enjoy


mfg tobi


Hallo Tobi


Ich habe den PW4000 Sound im MD-11 getestet. Und obwohl da im Readme von bestem Soundset seit eh und je gesprochen wird bin ich überhaupt nicht begeistert. Die Triebwerke sind viel zu laut, es gibt kein Avionik/Air Conditioning Sound und die Sounds von Gear up und down sind weit ab von der Realität.


Wer ein gutes Soudset möchte der holt sich besser


von AVSim.

Mit Abstand eines der besten Soundsets zur Zeit! Falls man es im MD-11 verwenden möchte nicht vergessen die Warning-Sounds zu löschen da die vom Airbus sind...





hoi Markus,


Das ganze fand ich auch einwenig prozig... Wie gesagt, das von dir erwähnte Soundset, welches ich auch auf der Platte habe, habe ich hier mal gepostet...


mfg tobi

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