blackswan Geschrieben 24. August 2004 Geschrieben 24. August 2004 hallo, This weekend is the official VATSIM Convention Fly-In Weekend, seeing no less than six separate fly-in events taking place on the VATSIM online network. Thursday sees the beginning of VATUSA's Los Angeles ARTCC (ZLA) Straight On 'Til Morning event, with center and other positions being staffed Thursday 1800 PDT thru Sunday 1800 PDT. This Friday sees two fly-ins in Australia and New Zealand: Cross the Ditch for flights between the two contries, and Conflict for Controllers, the latter designed to create havoc for controllers with airport operations in close proximity. Saturday brings the Sydney Overload, VATPAC's centerpiece event showcasing the VATSIM Convention city, and the VATUSA Minneapolis ARTCC (ZMP) has its Badlands Blowout, staffing Minot, Bismarck, Grand Forks, Fargo and other ZMP venues. Sunday's fun is the Australia Air Tour, offering a tour from Port Moresby to Cairns, the Australian East Coast, Melbourne and Sydney. For more information and precise timings of each of these events -- for the VATPAC Fly-Ins click here, for ZLA's Straight On 'Til Morning click here, and for ZMP's Badlands Blowout, click here. Ich werde vielleicht einen Longrange von LA nach Zürich fliegen... Muss doch die MD-11 wiedermal aus dem Hangar holen ;) mfg tobi Zitieren
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