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Neue Lago Mesh Süddeutschland


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Nach dem ich von der Swiss und Italy Mesh vo Lago sehr überzeugt bin werde ich mir diese weitere Mesh wohl auch besorgen...


Newsletter: TerraMesh – South Germany, FSLogbook, FSSoundScape


LAGO announces the 6th release of TerraMesh Europa

LAGO is back with the sixth part of its European Mesh series available to download from July 19th, which covers the South region of Germany. Check out our web site to know more about it (http://www.lagoonline.com/eng/prodotti/pdt.asp?id=100011). If you’ve seen the high quality of previous TerraMesh sections you know that these mesh are simply of the best quality and best price you can find on the market. For the incredible price of 5 Euro you will get top quality mesh scenery !! After this TerraMesh release we will move the release dates to Wednesdays, starting with the East of France from 31st of July.


In the coming week Lago will be releasing two great flight utilities: FSLogbook (July 24th) and FSSoundScape (July 26th)


FSLogbook is a direct replacement for the very limited logbook functionality that is included in FS2002 (versions for other flightsims will follow). What makes FSLogbook stand out from all logbook software is the fact it will show your flights on a map. If you are doing a long series of flights, perhaps going around the world as so many simpilots do, you will see your progress graphically. FSLogbook works in close relation with FS2002, using its database of airports and aircraft to save you from repetitive entering of data. FSLogbook can be started from within FS2002.

FSLogbook is very usable for Virtual Airlines as the individual Flight Reports can also be exported to a text file. For Virtual airlines the collected data is an important tool to manage the company. We are willing to discuss reduced rates for VA's that want their whole company to start using the product.

"Try Before you Buy"

FSLogbook is a shareware application that you can try before you pay for it. The unregistered version lets you insert 5 flights and only uses one identity. This should be enough to see the potential of FSLogbook.

FSlogbook will cost 15 Euro and will be available July 24th.

FSSoundScape will add realistic sounds to your surroundings, giving more life to your scenery. Check out our site to learn more about this rather simple but effective product available to buy from July 26th for only 10 Euro.



More information?

For more information visit our website www.lagoonline.com or contact Andy De Luca [a.deluca@lagoonline.com] who handles the PR and sales for our products. For review copies contact Mathijs Kok [mathijs@lagoonline.com] with details on the media that the review will be written for.

If any friend or acquaintance would like to receive this newsletter, please send him/her the following address www.lagoonline.com/ENG/registra/reg_piloti.asp so that in the future we can send all our news and information related to LAGO.

We are looking forward to receiving your registration and to having you as one of our valued customers in the future. If you become our customer, we promise to do our best to bring you the products you have come to expect from LAGO.



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ich versuche schon seit Tagen, bei Lagoonline.com Dateien runterzuladen. Bekomme ständig Fehlermeldungen beim US-Server und beim Lago-Server. Ich kann überhaupt nichts runterladen. Mache ich etwas falsch???


Gruss Roland

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Daniel Solinger

Hallo Jungs

Nur mal keine Panik. Mein Download-Assistent gibt mir dauernd die Meldung: "Zur Zeit sind 50 (oder mehr) User im Server. Bitte versuchen Sie es in 10 Min wieder"

Vielleicht versuche ich es mal zu einer unchristlichen Zeit biggrin.gif

Schöne Sommerferien an alle


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Jürg Bertschinger



also ich hatte andauernd Probleme mit allen Servern auf Lago bis ich den Downloadgenerator deaktiviert habe und den Megadownload halt ohne denselben gemacht habe. Resultat: Klappt problemlos, Downloadzeit bei 27-32 KB/s vertretbar so um die 45 min. wenn ich mich recht erinnere (Hispeed Cablecom, -->> gilt nur für die Schweiz!).


Geduld bringt Früchte,....oder so ähnlich biggrin.gif






---Good Flights---

Der 737/747-Captain

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  • 1 Monat später...

Hallo zusammen!


Ja das stimmt, es gibt in letzter Zeit viele Freeware, die sind aber vielfach zu schlecht umgesetzt und zwar:

Die Originalinformation über die Höhe ist vielleicht 1000 m, die des Mesh's aber irgendwo bei 200m, da wird falsch interpoliert und das gibt ein Schachbretteffekt... so rechteckige Geländeformen, nicht gerade schön, so Terrassen! Ihr könnt das gut beobachten bei Vogelperspektive am FS-Morgen (so 8 Uhr, wenn die Sonne noch etwas tief steht), da sieht man sehr gut diesen "Karo"effekt... schade um den Download!


Da muss wirklich Spreu vom Weizen getrennt werden, leider! wink.gif








Francis Baca;

flying between Alps (LSMA) and Andes (SPZO) with QOWI air

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