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[PMDG] Featurelist für kommende 737-Updates

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Mr. Randazzo hat nun die Featurelist für die kommenden Updates der PMDG 737 800/900 veröffentlicht. Es handelt sich dabei um das SU1 und ein ModelUpdate, aber lest selbst:




Just wanted to let you know that we have two updates for the PMDG 737-800/900 that have entered final beta...


1) PMDG 737-800/900 SERVICE UPDATE 1: A full service update that addresses a dozen major/minor items reported to us since release.


2) PMDG 737-6/700 Model Updates for 737-800/900 owners: This update will add the clickable Virtual Cockpit to the 737-600/700 for owners of the PMDG 737-800/900.



These two updates will release on the same day, at the same time. Originally we had expected to release the model update earlier- but we found some overlapping areas that we wanted to ensure were ironed out so that the updates would not conflict with each other accidentally. As such- a minor wait....


SERVICE UPDATE 1 for the 737-800/900 includes the following items:



1) Eliminates a data corruption problem that was responsible for Unplanned engine flameouts

2) Eliminates a data corruption problem that was responsible for Unexplainable electrical losses (lights/radios/etc)

3) Eliminates a code problem that would cause the battery to die, thus triggering electrical problems.

4) Eliminates a code problem that would cause the generators to become unresponsive to the switches.

5) Eliminates a code problem that would cause certain types of asynchronous behavior in the lighting system.

6) Enhanced behavior for holding pattern entry.

7) Enhanced behavior for holding pattern exit.

8) Algorithmic track calculation for wind correction angle in holds. (Airplane "learns" during holding.)

9) Corrected errors in Cost Index Model

10) Corrected Generator Disconnect Switch behavior.

11) Updated behavior of electrical bus switching/protection logic.

12) Updated generator logic and battery behavior

13) Updated fuel system behavior to eliminate potential problems with fuel imbalance

14) CDU Action keys included in keyboard commands

15) Eliminated SPD REF selection CTD problem

16) LOC Back Course tracking fixed

17) Eliminated bug that causes CTD during aircraft changes.


(Came back to edit the list..left a few off the first time..)



The MODEL UPDATE is for owners of both the 737-600/700 and the 737-800/900 who want to have clickable virtual cockpits in both the 8/900 series and the 6/700 series.... This update is rather large because it replaces all the 6/700 models with the new models- and as you know MDL files take up a significant amount of space.


(It is worth noting that this update will require that you have the 8/900 installed, and it will not add functionality to the VC if you do not own the 8/900....)


We have turned both updates over to our beta team- and provided that all goes well you will have access to them soon!


Both updates are free of charge- and will be available for download from the PMDG DOWNLOADS CENTER, along with the 150+ free airplane liveries that we have produced and made available to you there...


So please, take advantage of the items that we provide to you at no cost- the are part of your entire PMDG 737 Operator's Experience!


As promised- some 744 news coming soon.





Robert S. Randazzo

Precision Manuals Development Group


zum nachlesen hier lang.


lg, alex

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