Roli Geschrieben 7. Juli 2004 Geschrieben 7. Juli 2004 Hallo, PMDG update nun auch die Beech1900D; Description: SERVICE UPDATE 1.1 for PMDG EXPRESS B1900D. REQUIREMENTS: ============= This update will work only with FS9 installations. You must have the PMDG EXPRESS B1900D V1.0 installed. UPDATED: ======== - Updated engine sound set to improve sound performance range - Updated fuselage lighting and structure - Corrected texture error in VC - Updated panel.cfg to correct minor problems - Updated autopilot to enhance LOC/VOR tracking - Updated autopilot to pick 500fpm as initial V/S when changing altitudes - Updated autopilot to enhance autopilot ability to track ILS - Updated aircraft.cfg to make aircraft recognizable by MSFS ATC Das ganze gibts hier. Roli Zitieren
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