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Felix Hippmann



Damian Clark ist schon wieder fleißig gewesen - im Forum gibt es die Beta-Version des nächsten Patches "Maintenance Release 2" (MR2) zum Download. Diese Version ist aber noch experimentell!


MR2 beta Version


Interessanterweise kann ActiveSky2004 nun auch die Informationen aus zusätlichen METAR-Tags der Art //// CLD verstehen.


- Added full FSFlightMax v1.4r integration for AS2004 use with this freeware Radar/GPS Mapping software. When using FSFlightMax, follow the important instructions available in the in ActiveSky-FSFlightMax_Integration.pdf included in the FSFlightMax installation folder.

- When TAF processing was enabled, ActiveRadar could misinterpret the METAR information and display invalid data / radar returns. Fixed.

- Extended length of time that AS2004 waits for FS9 to load/reload before writing wx. Previously, a lengthy FS9 load could cause AS2004 to give up and present invalid current/departure wx conditions.

- Fixed problem with interpolation in areas with very few stations (less than 5 in a 300nm radius - such as near YBBN), which could cause wx consistency/precipitation problems.

- Added warning message: NORMAL DEFAULTS button causes ONLINE UPDATES to be turned off, so it must be manually re-enabled after loading defaults (if live downloads are desired).

- Fixed upper level temperature problem with route-based wind smoothing

- Added automatic .PLN convert to FS9 format option, to automatically convert to proper ActiveRadar-compatible .PLN data as soon as the flight plan is loaded via the NEW ROUTE/IMPORT processes. This prevents the user from having to load and re-save the .PLN in FS9 with 3rd-party flight plan generators.

- Added new experimental METAR data support (//// CLD used in certain areas (YBCG, for example) to enable proper cloud and visibility depiction.


Zum Beitrag im Avsim-Forum geht es hier.


Viel Spaß!



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