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Hallo zusammen


Hab vor, in den naechsten paar Tagen ein paar runden ueber den Hawai Inseln zu drehen. Dazu suche ich noch:


Mesh-Freeware fuer den FS2002

Airports Freeware fuer FS2002

Viel IFR Kartenmaterial


Wer weiss wo ich sowas als freeware bekomme oder kann mir jemand grad nen paar gute Sceneries empfehlen?


Danke schon mal im vorraus


Gruss Armin

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Guten Tag Armin


Ich habe hier ein paar Sachen gefunden, die dich interessieren könnten:


FS2002 Mesh für Hawaii, Maui, Kauai: 'Resampled to LOD10 for better performance on some machines. Highly detailed 30m terrain mesh scenery for the Hawaiian islands of Hawaii,Maui,Kauai and the island SW from Kauai. The Oahu island is not included because there is already a highly detailed mesh available from Orlando Sotomayor. Made from 30m USGS DEMs at LOD10.' (von M Maxx) Download: Klick!


FS2002 Mesh für Oahu: 'This FS2002 terrain mesh based on 30 meters horizontal resolution models is for the island of Oahu, Hawaii, USA. Honolulu and Pearl Harbor are in Oahu. Two versions of this highly detailed terrain mesh are included: one resampled to LOD of 10 (38.2 meters) and the other resampled to LOD of 11 (19.1 meters). Whereas the LOD of 10 mesh smooths the original elevation data somewhat, LOD of 11 preserves the original 30 meter resolution better. You can pick which one you wish to run in your system to replace the default terrain mesh for this island.' (von Orlando Sotomayor) Download: Klick!


FS2002 Flughafen von Kona: 'This scenery is a complete makeover of the standard FS terminal. This airport is probably the most beautiful in the world, and I set out to make it as original as possible. Since there are no finger gates, or very few at this airport, I have lined up stairways to meet some A1 aircraft. The entire airport is open air, and resembles a shopping mall in a park like setting. The architecture is a series of Hawaiian style huts, with an overall feeling of being in a Hawaiian village. It is located on the exclusive Kona Coast on the big Island of Hawaii.' (von Bill Melichar) Download: Klick! AFCAD (von David Cabatu): Klick!


FS2002 Flughafen von Lanai City: 'This scenery is a remake of my original Lanai scenery for FS2002, which was way to overdone for this sleepy little airport. It now contains a very quaint, rustic Hawaiian styled airport situated on the original FS tarmac and runways, so there is no longer heading problems. It also corrects the bouncing aircraft problem in the first scenery. Since there are no taxiways, I have included adequate turnouts at each end of the runway. This airport now fits the area, and is my second upgrade to my Pacific Island series.' (von Bill Melichar) Download: Klick! AFCAD: (von Robert Bakhuis) Klick!


FS2002 Flughafen von Honolulu:: 'This scenery completely adds a whole new main terminal, which is far more detailed than the normal one in FS. It also has gates and greatly improved night lighting. It is a whole new scenery, not an add on to my previous ones.' (von Bill Melichar) Download: Klick! AFCAD: Leider keins gefunden...


Charts habe ich leider nicht gefunden...

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