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Discounts bei Aerosoft

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Aerosoft Online has announced a temporary price cut of the German Airports to welcome the 10 new countries to the EEC. The discounted prices are available for a period of two weeks. Single volumes of the airport series are available at 12.50 Euros, and the Bundle series for 34.95 Euros.


Heisst soviel wie:


Einzelne Airport Serien gibts fuer 12.50 Euros

Mehrere Airport Serien gibts fuer 34.95 Euros


Das ganze gibts zwei Wochen lang


Some weeks ago, Aerosoft has also released Commuter Airlines (Eurowings 2004) including 3 aircraft (Airbus A319/A320, ATR42/72, BAe 146 with 90 liveries in total) that also include a full working FMCs and a bonus airport covering Nice. Price for this package is 34 Euros.


Heisst soviel wie:


Die Eurowings 2004 gibts fuer 34 Euros


Quelle: fsnordic.net


mfg tobi

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