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FS2002 Tip...


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Ich habe kürzlich diesen Tip gelesen und muss zumindest für mich gestehen, dass die nachfolgende Veränderung in den Einstellungen der Anzeige tatsächlich eine sehr positive FPS-Erhöhung zur Folge hat. Noch kann ich nicht einschätzen, mit welcher Konsequenz. Die Deaktivierung des Multi-Texturing erlaubt es mir praktisch alle Schieber voll einzurasten. Für Eure Erfahrung danke ich Euch vielmals und wünsche weiterhin viel Spass beim Fliegen im 2002!


What I found out last night, was if you turn of your Multi texture Filter, your frame rate and smoothness increase by a long way. I now enjoy higher frame rates, and it is much smoother, with less HD accessing. Since I have a low end computer I try all kinds of things to increase the frame rate and smoothness of FS2002.


Also another big killer of frame rates is the autogen scenery, which is fine up to normal. I can take it to dense, but prefer not to as I like it on normal. It gives me the smoothest frame rates. The autogen has no effect on frame rates until you go past Normal setting.



The only thing about turning off your texture filter in the hardware settings in FS2002 is that the water effects seem not to work to well, so these must be turned off completely. Apart from this I see very little difference in having the Multi Texture filter on. With it off it's almost like a turbo boast for FS2002. I never realised this filter can have such a big hit on frame rates, and accessing your HD often, yet I have 256 megs of ram. With the filter off I get less access. I would urge you all to try it, it may surprise you. Since I have switched it off I've found I can increase almost all the sliders to full, and run this sim at 1024X768, and it runs a lot smoother, with much better frame rates. Also, like FS2000 I turn the Mip Mapping filter off. Makes the scenery crystal clear, and almost photo like, but I do get some shimmering, but is a small price to pay, as the resolution is far better when not using Mip Mapping at all. I found the sliders for textures etc in themselves don't have a great impact on my frame rates, and these are now at full.


Gruss, Sam

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Hallo Sam


Danke für dein post !!

Ich habs versucht und es funzt !!!

Ich habe einen

AMD TB 800mhz



256 mb Ram


und hab jetzt ganze zeit 30 FPS obwohl ALLE

Regler rechts sind !!!!


Danke nochmals


MfG Seas

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Markus Burkhard

genau, und eben diese Tips finden nicht so viel Zustimmung: http://www.flugsimulation.ch/ubb/Forum4/HTML/000277.html


Gruss Markus



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