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LFSB Scenery - Sorry in English


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Hello forum members,


Sorry for this English message but I do understand German a bit, but I can't write it!


As you all probably know, I'm working on the

Basel-Mulhouse-Fribourg aiport.

It's a long history but I want to go into the public because I have 2 questions for you!


But first I would like to introduce the EAP team to you:


Alain Molteni, the texture artist.

Andreas Fuchs, the project coördinator.

Marc Nieuwhof (myself), the scenery designer.


Below this message you will find a to-do list of what still has to be done on the airport.

Most of the things are very simple but I have to wait for other things to complete them.


Question #1:


One of these things is the General Aviation area at the airport.

I don't have any reference material for it so I ask for your help.

The scenery really needs a General Aviation area!


I made my e-mail address public!

It would be great if you could sent me some reference material...


Question #2:


A web site,

I can build scenery but Im a terrible website builder.

I'm searching for someone who can build page with +- 5mb web space (the scenery is zipped 900kb).

This way we can show you the progress etc etc.




The scenery STAYS FREEWARE because I download so much beautiful freeware stuff that I wanted to do something back to the FS community, so all you get are credits when the scenery is finished!


I hope you guys can help me!

The reponds were good so let's keep it this way!!!



Marc Nieuwhof

Almere, The Netherlands

and the rest of the scenery team.

(btw: I hope I spelled it correct now smile.gif



ToDo list LFSB 12-12-2001



- Lightbulb runway 16/34


- Holding point "D" runway 34/16


X Floating runways


- Interior Terminal Building

- Escalators

- Desks

- Passenger bridge


- Interior Crossair Lounge (very low priority)

- Palm trees

- Chairs

- Floors

- Stairs


- General Aviation

- All of it


- Apron markings


- Textures

- Fracht

- Catering

- Crossair buildings

- Jet Aviation

- New terminal building

- Y-Terminal

- Y-Terminal Crossair Lounge

- General Aviation

- Apron textures

- Road textures

- Parking lots


- FS2002 layout of the airport to match AI traffic etc...




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ich kann den Webspace anbieten (up to 10 MB). Nur im Designen habe ich nicht viel drauf. Da müsste man mal die "Profis" fragen.


Ciao, Andreas

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Das grösste Problem, welches wir haben, ist das fehlende Bildmaterial zur General Aviation (wie schon von Marc geschrieben).

Wir wären wirklich um jedes Bild froh. Auch wenn es noch so klein und unscharf ist...


Dazu gehören auch als Beispiel: Das Crossairgebäude von der Hangarseite gesehen, Jet Aviation Hangar und weitere............


Ich habe schon lange im Internet gesucht, bin aber nicht sehr fündig geworden. Also wenn jemand Bilder vom Internet hat, oder natürlich auch selbst gemachte besitzt wäre dies super!


Gruss, Alain

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Hallo Michael


Sorry, ich habe deinen Eintrag erst jetzt bemerkt....


Vielen Dank für dein Angebot. Ich werde dem Marc so bald wie möglich bescheid sagen. Ich werde dich per Mail benachrichtigen.


Viele Grüsse und schönen Abend,





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