blackswan Geschrieben 19. April 2004 Geschrieben 19. April 2004 hallo After months of hard work (and some time off from the 777 GE90 project) it's finally available. Ladies and gentlemen I'd like to present to you........ my Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7R4G2 soundset! True 747 thunder can now be heard in FS2004 :) My "testbed" was a Project Opensky Boeing 747-300, but the soundset also works fine with the -100/-200 models. This soundset also features internal systems and APU sounds for a more realistic atmosphere both inside and outside of the cockpit. Please see the readme file for credits and installation instructions. I once again managed to beat the size of my previous soundset by approx. 100 KB's :P But do not be put off because of the filesize. This is just 37,1MB's of pure quality, guaranteed. Klick hier mfg tobi Zitieren
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