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Flight Ontario's scenery ist Raus!


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Habe eben gelesen das das Team Flight Ontario jetzt die Grosse Freewear Sceneri veröfentlicht hat!



Part 1 of Flight Ontario's scenery for the Greater Toronto Area and Southern Ontario. Over a year in the making, this scenery for Fs 2002 and Fs 2004 is bounded by Detroit in the west, Kingston in the east, Huntsville in the north and Buffalo in the south and features: * all-season scenery * custom water textures * completely modelled Toronto Airports...CYTZ (Toronto Island) and CYZD (Downsview-home to Bombardier Aerospace and the Canadair Regional Jet and Dash-8, and the Toronto Aerospace Museum) * custom autogen for the GTA * Custom landclass for southern Ontario * custom shorelines (western Lake Ontario, Kingston area, Lake Couchiching...Severn River...Sparrow Lake area, and the Muskoka Lake area) * prominent features around Hamilton include the Burlington Skyway and Lift Bridge and steel mills * the Welland Canal is featured with lift bridges, bascule bridge and fixed link bridge from Pt Weller to Pt Colborne * the Niagara area includes the Minolta Tower, and 3 hydro generating plants with reservoirs * compatibility with SimFlyers CYYZ This scenery is downloadable in two parts and both parts are essential (CW)



Der erste Teil ist 63,5MB gross und der Zweite 98.8 MB!


Viel spass in Toronto und bei gelegenheit jagt die F/A 18 in Muskoka hoch und runter das macht da oben ehct spass!




Part 1


Part 2




Gruss Thomas

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