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POSKY Boeing 747-100, -200, -300, -400 Series Version 2004.8.5 Update

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Fuer alle POSKY 747 Benutzer


Version 2004.8.5 - Compatible and tested for FS2004 Only. This 747 Series update provides more visual wing "droop" for 747 models, a few improvements for autopilot and autothrottle smoothness, differing location/weight/cargo/fuel specs for different 747 variants based more on pax/cargo loading, improvements to 747 performance based on additional 747 pilot input and performance charts, and alternative gear point locations. Includes all standard features such as individual FDE for specific variant and engine type, different engine mount points per engine type, different engine performance per type, different performance per 747 variant, all fuel and weight stations based on actual Boeing documentation. New 747 navigation light effect included. Includes manual and documentation compiled by Matt Z. PLEASE READ THE MANUAL. SEE FAQ SECTION FOR FULL COMPILATION OF FS2004 FEATURES, PREVIOUS FIXES AND PROPER OPERATIONS. (CK)




mfg tobi

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