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Ryanair - oder wenn Subventionen ausbleiben

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Musste grinsen als ich das hier gelesen habe :-) Bald akzeptiert Ryan dann nur noch normierte Passagiere und steigt auf Antonov Maschinen um :D :D


Ryanair moves to cut even the basic 'frills'





RYANAIR is planning to cut the remaining "frills" from its service by ordering a fleet of stripped out aircraft.


The budget airline is looking to cut its operating costs by removing reclining seats, window blinds and even seat pockets. The controversial changes could result in savings of more than £1 million for the company, which recently issued its first profit warning.


Chief executive Michael O’Leary also wants to persuade passengers to travel light so that luggage won’t have to be stored in the hold.


It is understood that a raft of incentives also may be introduced to encourage travellers to leave most of their baggage at home.


Weekend reports claimed Ryanair had ordered the changes to a fleet of aircraft which have been ordered from Boeing.


It was suggested that replacing reclining seats with non-adjustable versions could save the company £1.3m. Removing the window blinds is estimated to reduce costs by £130,000 per plane, while getting rid of Velcro headrests would save £100,000.


The cost savings would provide a massive boost to Ryanair, which has recently encountered turbulence after years of soar-away success.


Last month the airline stunned the stock market by admitting plunging air fares were likely to lead to its first profits fall. The full-year earnings, it added, would be down by 10 per cent.


Ferocious competition has seen Ryanair’s average fares drop by nearly a third from the summer and an incredible 12 per cent since last year, to just £24.49.


At the same time, O’Leary conceded the company could be hit by fines of up to £69m as a result of a European Commission investigation into airport subsidies.






Warum überhaupt Sitze? So eine Stunde Flug Zürich-London würde ich auch noch stehend mit Handschlaufe überstehen. Wie im Bus. Bus, Airbus get it? Ah, never mind.:D


Gruss, Urs


Also ich verstehe nicht, wie das Umbauen von bestehenden Flugzeugen bei diesen Sachen Geld sparen kann? Bei neuen Flugzeugen vielleicht, aber bei den alten :001: ...




Ich glaub da gings um die neubestellten Maschinen, (ja der O'Leary kauft auch ab Fabrik, nicht nur ab Schrottplatz). :D


Weiss per Zufall jemand was das Personal bei Ryan so im Vergleich zu anderen Gesellschaften verdient ?




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