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Project ERJ will be closing

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Nick Botamer has posted an announcement to the Project ERJ website: "This serves as the initial notice that Project ERJ will be closing down permanently in the near future.


As I no long have sufficient time to devote to the Embraer planes, due to constraints with other flight sim projects, as well as the gradual lessening of interest in them, I have decided to close down the website. I will also be providing less and less support for the ERJs and EMB-120s over time, as I feel they are as good as I can make them and I would rather move on to newer and different aircraft for flight sim.


Fear not, however, as before the site is closed down for good, all the repaints available here will be uploaded to the Avsim.com file library."


The "retirement" of Nick as aircraft modeller should not affect to Bill Grabowski and his future projects. As for now, group's forum will also remain open here at FS Nordic.


Project ERJ


mfg tobi

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