loww Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2003 Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2003 :001: was so alles gestohlen wird - fluegel einer 1946 aeronca champ ( http://www.vintagecorvettes.com/1946champ.html ) => teil 1 der geschichte: ---------------------------------------------- From: Tom Pappano <tepco@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 22:26:58 GMT To All Angel Flight Pilots [schnipp] Wednesday Nov 26, I took my 1946 Aeronca Champ, based at CHK, for a short local flight. About 2pm my engine quit and I made an emergency landing on Higway 81, 2.5 north of Minco. I secured the airplane by the road and somebody gave me a ride back to Chickasha (18.5miles south). We went back with a trailer, took de wings off, and place the fuselage in the trailer. However the wings did not fit in the trailer. So we decided to take the fuselage back to the airport and came back to pick up the wings: Surprise, the wings were gone!!!. I hope that a good samaritan picked them up with the intention to protect them (even though most people think that they were just plainly stolen). If any body can provide any information about the whereabouts of the wings, it would be great. Local authorities, FAA, sherif, Highway patrol, etc were properly notified. Thank you, very much. Pablo ------------------------------------ teil 2 der geschichte: ------------------------------------ "Tom Pappano" <tepco@swbell.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:<X9pBb.318$mP7.186@newssvr23.news.prodigy.com>... >A nice ending to the story: Folks: MIRACLES HAPPEN!!!! >In followup to the search for the missing Aeronca wings which began on >Wednesday before Thanksgiving, here's the rest of the story ..... Be sure >to read the "Special Thanks" section at the end for the details which made >this whole event so miraculous! >On Friday night (12/5/03), I received a phone call from Brent Higginbotham >that he had spotted what he thought could be a pair of wings on the ground >2 1/2 miles north of Minco and 1 mile west of Highway 81 FROM 23,000 [!!!!] >feet with his aerial photography work! >Saturday I overflew that general area, and was unsuccessful in locating the >wings. I decided to fly back to Chickasha (18 miles south where the rest >of the airplane is hangered), when my friend Cory, spotting from the right >side of the airplane, yelled "There they are!" They were in the back yard >of a house in downtown Minco, Oklahoma. We landed and decided to consult >the situation with the Minco police department (already aware of the >search), which confirmed that these were the missing wings. After knocking >on the door to the owner of the backyard, no response was obtained and so >they checked next door neighbor (family members of homeowner), who >authorized police & us to retrieve them, and even offered the use of their >big trailer to transport the wings back to the airport. Two trailering >trips later the wings are safe & secure back at the Chickasha Airport (home >of the Champ)! >SPECIAL THANKS TO: * Pilot Frank Bice, who amazingly had taken photos >of my Aeronca Champ airplane safely parked on the side of the highway just >after the emergency landing, and initiated an incredible spreading the of >the Wing Search by email and Internet to hundreds of airports & pilots in >this region. > * Editor & Publisher Ralph McCormick of the Fly-Low aviation >magazine, for his remarkable article in such short time, published on the >website prior to the regular printing date. (See attached article) > * Minco, Oklahoma Police Department for their invaluable assistance >in the recovery of the wings in a safe, courteous, legal and non-violent >manner. > * Brent Higginbotham, aerial photography in Oklahoma City, who >reviewed his film of that general area and spotted what turned out to be >the missing wings - and his diligence in tracking me down late at night to >let me know of this finding, inspite of professional obligations at 4AM the >following morning. > * My best friend, Cory, whose expertise from youthful experience as a >airplane spotter for the Wildlife Department enabled him to pick out the >two yellow wings amongst a sea of yellow farm equipment from the air. Final >note - In this day & age of skepticism and stories of heartache, this >entire event and all those involved has once again shown the goodness of >people everywhere, especially in Oklahoma. What a wonderful holiday gift! >Pablo > ------------------------------ unglaublich, aber doch wahr ! mfg wolfgang ex loww, vie http://www.fluglehrer.at Zitieren
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