loww Geschrieben 1. November 2003 Geschrieben 1. November 2003 -----zitat anfang----- Biff was to fly me in an F-14D Tomcat, a ridiculously powerful $60 million weapon with nearly as much thrust as weight, not unlike Colin Montgomerie. I was worried about getting airsick, so the night before the flight I asked Biff if there was something I should eat the next morning. "Bananas," he said. "For the potassium?" I asked. "No," Biff said, "because they taste about the same coming up as they do going down." ----zitat ende---- bericht dazu fuer alle die auch davon traeumen in einem jet mitfliegen zu koennen ;-) : http://www.macinnisaviation.com/wingprayer.htm mfg wolfgang, ex loww, vie http://www.fluglehrer.at Zitieren
Christoph Mangold Geschrieben 2. November 2003 Geschrieben 2. November 2003 Hallo Wolfgang! "No," Biff said, "because they taste about the same coming up as they do going down :D :D :D :D :D Gruss, Christoph Zitieren
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