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Sehenswürdigkeiten fs2002


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gibt es eine liste mit allen sehenswürdigkeiten im fs2002?



ist nämlich schade, wenn man gar nicht alles gesehen hat, was irgend ein paar designer da gebastelt haben (der staudamm aus dem thema staudamm USA ist z.b. sowas: echt ein besuch wert).






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hi all, hallo rich...


...guckst du hier:


FS2002 PRO Easter Eggs & Other Effects - By Andrew Holford



Landmark: kilauea eruption

Location: Hawaii

Feature: Steam rising from Volcano, Set year to 1983 to get a Large eruption of lava!

How to get there: Fly HDG165 from Hilo Intl.

Exact Lon,Lat: N19* 25.48" - W155* 14.14"



Landmark: Vegas Belagio Fountain

Location: Las Vegas

Feature: Fountain of water.

Exact Lon,Lat: N36* 06.44" - W115* 10.35"



Landmark: Glenn Canyon dam

Location: Arizona, USA

Exact Lon,Lat: N 36* 55.58" - W 111* 28.18"



Landmark: Hoover dam

Location: Arizona, USA

Exact Lon,Lat: N36* 01.08 - W114* 44.30



Landmark: Vegas Luxor Beam

Location: Las Vegas

Feature: Incredibly bright beam

Things to know: Set time to dusk or night for each effect.

Exact Lon,Lat: N36* 05.45" - W115* 10.31"



Landmark: Vegas Mirage volcano

Location: Las Vegas

Feature: Have a look!

Exact Lon,Lat: N36* 07.18" - W115* 10.25"



Landmark: Niagara Falls

Location: Ontario Canada

Feature: Water fall

Exact Lon,Lat: N43* 05.06" - W79* 04.16"



Landmark: Old Faithful Geyser

Location: Wyoming, USA

Feature: A jet of water

Exact Lon,Lat: N44* 28.18" - W110* 49.59"



Landmark: Vegas Tropicana lights

Location: Las Vegas

Feature: Have a look!

Exact Lon,Lat: N36* 05.52" - W115* 10.18"



Effect: Aurora Borealis, Aurora Australis

Location: Northern Hemisphere, Northwest Territories Canada

Feature: Aurora Borealis

Where to find them: Try the Northwest Territories in Canada around the 60deg latitude.

Where to find them: So far I've been unable to find it.


I don't believe the Aurora Australis is included.

As usual Australia gets left out!!!!



Feature: 4th Of July Fireworks

Location: Washington

How to see them: Set the date to 4th of July any year and time to night or 10pm

Exact Lon,Lat: N38* 53.39 - W77* 1.80



Feature: Ayers Rock

Location: Australia, NT


Exact Lon,Lat: A rough guess would be about S25*20.25 - E131*05.10




Misc Effects


This is a list of Special Effects


CONTRAIL: Fly a jet above 30,000 feet



BUILDING STEAM: Steam from buildings ventings systems, (Not sure where)

I think maybe New York.



OIL LEAK: Don't know how to get it working.

(Unless you use the method a the bottom of this file)



ROTOR WASH: Try hovering the chopper over different types of terrain.



SHOOTING STAR: Not sure if this happens anywhere or only with the Aurora effect.



MISC WATER & WAKE EFFECTS: Try landing, crashing and hovering over water.



RED SMOKE: Edit the Extra 300 Aircraft.CFG file and find the following line.





smoke.0=0.00, -0.70, 1.40, fx_smoke_w


Add the following: smoke.1=0.00, 1.00, -9.00, fx_smoke_r

So it now looks like this.


smoke.0=0.00, -0.70, 1.40, fx_smoke_w

smoke.1=0.00, 1.00, -9.00, fx_smoke_r



SMOKE: you can add following lines to any Aircraft.cfg to add smoke.


smoke.0=0.00, -0.70, 1.40, fx_smoke_w



AIRCRAFT FIREWORKS: You can attach fireworks or any other effect to you aircraft.


open the aircraft.cfg file and add the following


smoke.0=0.00, -0.70, 1.40, fx_firework1


Now whenever you hit the Smoke Key (I) you shoot a firework.


You can use any of the effects or write your own.

Just look in the EFFECTS directory of FS2002 and copy the name of any file that starts with FX_


Example: smoke.0=0.00, -0.70, 1.40, fx_kilauea1

Example: smoke.0=0.00, -0.70, 1.40, fx_aurora1


You can also add more than one effect just number the effects.




smoke.0=0.00, -0.70, 1.40, fx_kilauea1

smoke.1=0.00, -0.70, 1.40, fx_aurora1

smoke.2=0.00, -0.70, 1.40, fx_smoke_w

smoke.3=0.00, 1.00, -9.00, fx_smoke_r

smoke.4=0.00, 1.00, 9.00, fx_oilleak_m


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