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Airbus- Händereiben

Empfohlene Beiträge

Walter Fischer

Riesenauftrag für AIRBUS für Flottenerneuerung von SAA

Gruss Walti




angeblich sollen es 11 A319, 15 A320 und je 6 A340-300 und -600 sein. Genaueres ist aber nirgendwo im Netz aufzutreiben... *weitersuch*


Update: Jetzt hab ich auch was Offizielles von der SAA-Webseite http://www.flysaa.com/


"Issued by SAA Corporate Communications:

South African Airways has chosen Airbus to fulfil its fleet requirements. [...blablabla...] The total value of the fleet renewal programme is at a list price of $3.5 billion. [...blablabla...] SAA plans to replace two Boeing 767s, and the Classics: five 747-200s, six 747-300s and three 747SP, twenty-two 737-200s, sixteen 737-800 aircraft in eight to nine years.

These will be replaced by: Six A340-600, Six A340-300, Eleven A319-100 and Fifteen A320-200. The A319-100 will replace the B737-200 when these aircraft lease period expires in 2005. The introduction of the A320-200 will replace the existing B737-800 in 2010 and 2011. The first planes, through both leasing and outright purchase, will be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2002, and this will be completed by 2010/2011. Airbus will provide both pilot and cabin crew and technical staff conversion training."





Skyways VA


[Dieser Beitrag wurde von MichiK am 07. März 2002 editiert.]

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