Mister Volare Geschrieben 14. Juni 2003 Geschrieben 14. Juni 2003 Hi Ich habe sehnlichst nach dem AIRAC Update 0306 gewartet, vergebens. Auf der Homepage steht es wird verschoben. Schon das AIRAC 0305 wurde verschoben...gibt es eine andere Homepage wo man für den PSS Airbus die AIRAC's herunterladen kann? Devis Zitieren
Gast Frank Schauf Geschrieben 15. Juni 2003 Geschrieben 15. Juni 2003 Hallo Devis, folgendes steht dazu im Forum von Navdata : Written by Richard STEFAN / NAVData at 10 Jun 2003 16:47:08: Good day Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry for the delay and some no-answered mails, but i´m still moving from the city of Vienna to the country and therefor i have no time for anything else. Second, i haven´t no internet-access at my new home at the moment only here in the office, and i´m not very often here. Ok, but know a short status-report: I´m not 100%ig sure, if i can release the 0306 Cycle in time, due the reasons above. Possible that i must jump over these cycle too. Sorry guys, but i do really my best to provide these cycle but the real-life activities are more important for the moment. I´m finished with the new "FSAirac"-Tool with the brandnew generic database. At the moment the tool is still testing from 20 friendly user. The tool is very helpfully for all of us, for you and for me. It will reduce the traffic on the user site and on my website and it´s more comfortable to use (and faster ). Further, it includes a build-in SID/STAR editor (first step for the 767PIC and the PSS products), with a download/upload function to keep uptodate. The next step will include a graphic display for displaying the created procedures (not in the first version!!). All these is still testing, but it looks good to release it soon. Ok, that´s the actual status. I work hard that i´m in time with the 0306, but please don´t be disappointed when i´m not really ready on June, 12th. Hope you understand these statement and you remain the loyalty as in the past. Thanks for your patience ... Kind regards Richard Stefan Zitieren
Mister Volare Geschrieben 15. Juni 2003 Autor Geschrieben 15. Juni 2003 ok, jetzt weiss ich bescheid Zitieren
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