Frank_Willfeld Geschrieben 26. Mai 2003 Geschrieben 26. Mai 2003 Hallo Leute, da es immer noch keine joke-box gibt wieder einmal in den Stammtisch sorry mods: > HU'S ON FIRST? > By James Sherman > > (We take you now to the Oval Office at the White House.) > > George W: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening? > Condi Rice: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China. > George: Great. Lay it on me. > Condi: Hu is the new leader of China. > George: That's what I want to know. > Condi: That's what I'm telling you. > George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China? > Condi: Yes. > George: I mean the fellow's name. > Condi: Hu. > George: The guy in China. > Condi: Hu. > George: The new leader of China. > Condi: Hu. > George: The Chinaman! > Condi: Hu is leading China. > George: Now whaddya' asking me for? > Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China. > George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China? > Condi: That's the man's name. > George: That's whose name? > Condi: Yes. > George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of > China? > Condi: Yes, sir. > George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle > East. > Condi: That's correct. > George: Then who is in China? > Condi: Yes, sir. > George: Yassir is in China? > Condi: No, sir. > George: Then who is? > Condi: Yes, sir. > George: Yassir? > Condi: No, sir. > George: Look, Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. > Get > me > the Secretary General o > the U.N. on the phone. > Condi: Kofi? > George: No, thanks. > Condi: You want Kofi? > George: No. > Condi: You don't want Kofi. > George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And > then > get me the U.N > Condi: Yes, sir. > George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N. > Condi: Kofi? > George: Milk! Will you please make the call? > Condi: And call who? > George: Who is the guy at the U.N? > Condi: Hu is the guy in China. > George: Will you stay out of China?! > Condi: Yes, sir. > George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N. > Condi: Kofi. > George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone. > (Condi picks up the phone.) > Condi: Rice, here. > George: Rice? Good idea. And a couple of egg rolls, too. Maybe we should > send > some to the guy in China > And the Middle East. Can you get Chinese food in the Middle East? > > Zitieren
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