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For Sale: FlightDeck Solutions Jetmax based 737-800 Simulator

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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Dear All,

I have decided to sell my Jetmax based 737 sim. The simulator is in excellent working condition. The hardware is an FDS Jetmax setup with overhead, TQ quadrant, an FDS CDU and a Cpflight MCP+EFIS EL. The sim also includes two 737 yokes, 2 playseats and all the monitors + TVs (see pictures) as well as the support stand of the sim. The sim uses as core software Prosim737 and P3D (computers and software not included).

Price to be agreed. Only serious simmers with good technical knowhow will be considered. Pickup only.

PM me for more infos.

Kind regards,

Karim from Freienbach SZ









Bearbeitet von Fractal



ist Teileverkauf auf eine option?

Je nach F/O Yoke wäre ich daran interessiert.


Lieber Gruss





the TQ is also FDS? 


looks a diferent model 😕


thanks for the information

Diogo Santos

On 6/3/2024 at 5:28 PM, Boeing737 said:



ist Teileverkauf auf eine option?

Je nach F/O Yoke wäre ich daran interessiert.


Lieber Gruss


Hi Urs,


I'd rather set a priory on selling the sim as a whole.


Kind regards,



39 minutes ago, Diogo said:



the TQ is also FDS? 


looks a diferent model 😕


thanks for the information

Diogo Santos

Hi Diogo,


Thanks for your reply. Yes, the TQ is an original from FDS's JetMax. Note that it's not motorised i.e. the TQ doesn't move by itself when A/T is on. In general, all the setup is an FDS JetMax original apart from the MCP/EFIS which I have upgraded to a CPflight EL.


Kind regards,





Am 5.6.2024 um 10:33 schrieb Fractal:

Hi Urs,


I'd rather set a priory on selling the sim as a whole.


Kind regards,



Hello Karim,


Just let me know if you want to sell separately.


Best regards


On 6/5/2024 at 9:38 AM, Fractal said:

Hi Diogo,


Thanks for your reply. Yes, the TQ is an original from FDS's JetMax. Note that it's not motorised i.e. the TQ doesn't move by itself when A/T is on. In general, all the setup is an FDS JetMax original apart from the MCP/EFIS which I have upgraded to a CPflight EL.


Kind regards,





many thanks for your reply. if it was mothorized I will buy it. 😉


good luck with the sale. 


kind regards,


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
22 hours ago, Diogo said:

many thanks for your reply. if it was mothorized I will buy it. 😉


good luck with the sale. 


kind regards,


Thanks 🙏 the pricing would look completely different with a motorised TQ 😀 But there is a nice walk around: the physical position of the thrust levers can be displayed on the EICAS. So when going from A/T to manual thrust, one matches the current N1 manually and thereafter disconnect the A/T.


kind regards,



Bearbeitet von Fractal

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