Frank Holly Lake Geschrieben 27. Dezember 2023 Geschrieben 27. Dezember 2023 Santa Stories Aus AVH Santa SSLH at North Pole on Dec 24th 2023, near collision with aircraft Santa SSLH at North Pole on Dec 24th 2022, communication trouble Santa SSLH at North Pole on Dec 24th 2021, hail strike Santa SSLH at North Pole on Dec 24th 2020, the smoking gun Santa SSLH at North Pole on Dec 24th 2019, engine not shot down in flight Santa B20J at North Pole on Dec 24th 2018, rejected takeoff due to lack of navi Santa SSLH at North Pole on Dec 24th 2017, sneezing engine Santa SSLH at North Pole on Dec 24th 2016, smoke in cockpit Santa SSLH at North Pole on Dec 24th 2015, engine shot down on takeoff Santa was preparing for the annual flight test, his sleigh and his reindeer Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder, Blixem as well as red nosed Rudolph were ready, however, no FAA inspector was seen anywhere. The reindeer, waiting already for hours, became restless and wanted to get rid of their energy, hence Santa gave in, requested and received clearance from North Pole Tower to takeoff for a short flight around. While climbing out of North Pole's runway Santa sighted a light airplane in direct course towards them and felt that Rudolph and the reindeer were developing full power and climbed the sleigh at an unusually high rate. Climbing just about above the light airplane Santa sighed, the reindeer levelled off and joined a downwind to return to North Pole when they noticed the light aircraft was landing on the North Pole runway. "Wait", said Santa angrily, "I'll talk to that reckless guy!" and steered the sleigh back towards the runway. Suddenly he felt lifting out of his seat and spotted the reindeer were diving below a large bird that was crossing their flight path. Coming closer Santa recognized the large bird was a turkey, shortly after passing the bird he felt pressed into his seat as the reindeer returned to their flight path. The sleigh finally landed and stopped besides the light aircraft. The door of the light aircraft opened and a man in thick winterclothes stepped down, protection against the cold was covering his face and looked like a big moustache. Santa positioned in front of the man and asked: "What do you have to do here? Why did you land here? Did you obtain landing clearance?" only to meet dejected silence, the stranger obviously didn't know what to say or his moustache swallowed all sound. Santa, growing more and more furious, shouted: "Do you not know that the FAA has just this year made runway incursions and adherence to ATC instructions a major theme of discussions and research?" Finally, some muffled sound made it through the moustache of the stranger and Santa heard: "I am from the FAA! I need to talk to Santa and verify his sleigh and his flying skills meet all requirements to give him the overflight permissions over the USA this year! I noticed you do not have any TCAS on board?" "TCAS? What's TCAS?" asked bewildered Santa. And Santa's helpful guard elf explained: "Turkey Collision Avoidance System!" Zitieren
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