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TT21 trig transponder in mode S

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I am selling as new the TT21 trig transponder in mode S with the Trig TC20 controller, the control head, the antenna with installation kit, the pilot guide, the transponder installation manual, the cutting guide holes and the EASA Form One
Price: 700€
Contact: lherbier325@gmail.com


Hi, can you please mention at least your real first name? What is the origin oder Transponder, why is a new XPDR being sold?

7 hours ago, lherbier10 said:

I am selling as new the TT21 trig transponder in mode S with the Trig TC20 controller, the control head, the antenna with installation kit, the pilot guide, the transponder installation manual, the cutting guide holes and the EASA Form One
Price: 700€
Contact: lherbier325@gmail.com

Der gleiche Kontakt (E-Mail) verkauft diesen Transponder auch hier in einem tschechischen Forum:

For Sale: Transponder like new with installation kit
I am selling a Trig model TT21 transponder in mode S with all installation kit and Certificate of Authorized Release. EASA FORM 1. The instrument is in new condition with instructions and user manual.
Contact: lherbier325@gmail.com


Email: lherbier325@gmail.com





Danke! Bei Neugeräten bin ich misstrauisch...

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