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Für die P3D Version 6 ist bereits das Update 5 veröffentlicht worden. Aus der originalen Mitteilung:


The fifth Prepar3D v6.0 is now available, version 6.0.35.

The Prepar3D v6.0 Patch 5 (6.0.35) contains the following changes:


  • Additional updates to lighting time of day exposure values.
  • Additional effect and lighting updates to the included third-party aircraft.
  • Increased virtual cockpit dynamic light intensities.
  • Increased flashlight daytime brightness.
  • PDK dynamic lights updated to use emissive interpolant.
  • Resolve an issue where Autogen Config Editor would throw exceptions when loading files.
  • Adjust flow so the view is no longer reset when opening the Camera Control UI.


If you have enabled notifications, you will receive a notification as soon as you start Prepar3D. Alternatively, you can download the patch directly from the Downloads section of the website without any delay.



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