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Basic Fighter Maneuvers

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So, nun gib es also den ersten AI-Kampfjet real in der Luft. Wenn auch noch im Experimentalstadium mit "Passagieren". 


US conducts historic first dogfight between AI-controlled F-16 and human pilot



The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) has released footage of AI (artificial intelligence) algorithms autonomously flying a specially modified F-16 against a human-piloted F-16 and performing weaving manoeuvres as they go through the sky.





The test flight took place at the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base in California, which is continuing to test autonomous combat manoeuvres.

During the flight the X-62A had two crew members on board for safety reasons - they had the independent ability to disengage the AI agent should something have gone wrong.




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