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Swiss Airports >?


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I would like to buy this product because my favourite city and aairport is Geneva , If somebody has this scenery could you please give some screenshoots of the Cointrin airport> because i do not know if i should buy it.

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Hello Annihila (correct name?),


To my knowledge, there is no commercial and no decent freeware Geneva package available for FS2002, but there is some freeware for FS2000, which also works for FS2002 from Daniel Gauthier and maybe other authors as well.

Try with http://www.avsim.com and search for LSGG under FS2000 scenery.

You also get the AFCAD files for it from the same site.


Good luck and best regards


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Thanks a lot. I have now a freeware scenery of Geneva. but there is a aerosoft product - Swiss Airports ..http://www.aerosoft.com - there is a description but nor screenchoots.And so i do not now whow it looks like.

Ah...my name is Youri :D

But i think that i will whait for the GENEVA 2003 scenery it should be very cool. http://www.mailsoft.com/D-Coming.htm

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