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Visit to AERO 2003

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I'm planning a visit to Aero 2003 (Friedrichshafen) with my P28A (VFR). The first reporting point is over Ludwigshafen (Lima). To join it from the south I'm planning to fly over Gossau or Uznach and Radolfzell. I don't have experience to fly in this zone.

On the ICAO chart is written "... dense IFR app/dep traffic below FL100 ...".

I think flying at 6000ft descending to 4000ft approaching Ermatingen.


I ask the opinion to the "professionals" about my intentions. These are reasonable altitudes to avoid the big traffic ? Is there particular dangers ?


All opinions are welcome ! Thank you in advance.

Have a nice day.



from LSZA




During the Aero it's nessessary to get a PPR from Friedrichshafen. This is a slot but just for VFR traffic.


Also during this time it can be, that there are some special procedures. I think it's the best when you call to Friedrichshafen and ask for a PPR and also if there are some special procedures.


I try to get some more information. I'm in the tower from 7th of April till easter.

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