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PMDG 737 (-600, -700, -800) für MSFS erschienen

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Soeben ist die PMDG 737-700 für den Microsoft Flight Simulator erschienen.





All new models, entirely new textures, a completely new sound environment and tens of thousands of changes, adaptations, improvements and fixes, the PMDG 737-700 is the ultimate realization of flight simulation, forty years in the making.


  • Fully customized system simulation for all major and minor aircraft systems and components.
  • Highly sophisticated logical simulation of onboard information systems and aircraft management.
  • PMDG's customized, flight model with enhanced physics augmentation.
  • Rigid body physics for wing and tail surfaces.
  • Fully customized flight control systems with normal, standby and reversionary capability.
  • Accurate resolution cockpit displays
  • Interchangeable equipment options for cockpit instrumentation
  • Numerous user configurable options from throughout the global 737 operator fleet.
  • Updated 737 options packages reflecting operational improvements and changes to the global 737 fleet.
  • Full featured failures simulation to cover nearly all QRH scenarios as well as real-world mean time to failure simulations model.
  • Native PMDG datalink simulation compatible with simBrief integration.
  • Incandescent and LED lighting packages, as well as fully dimming flight deck lights and annunciators.
  • Driveable pushback tug.
  • Customized sound package that leverages advanced sound recording and playback technology for incredible realism.
  • Sound environment built using recordings from a purpose-instrumented airplane recording effort.
  • Highly integrated exterior, interior cabin and flight deck sound environments.
  • Includes the 737-700 in passenger configuration with both blended winglets and split scimitar winglet configurations.
  • Includes the Boeing Business jet in with both blended winglets and split scimitar winglets configurations.
  • Includes the 737-700 BDSF freighter with main deck cargo door with blended winglets.
  • Full set of ground equipment for each aircraft type, including passenger servicing vehicles, VIP vehicles for the BBJ and cargo handling equipment for the BDSF.
  • Virtual cockpit model, with ultra high detail textures, 3D rendering and reflective properties.
  • Advanced animations techniques leveraging the new MSFS engine to truly bring the 737 flight deck to life.
  • Cockpit differences between the passenger, cargo and BBJ airplanes are accurately rendered.
  • PMDG Operations Center 2.0 for easy livery installation and ease of receiving free product updates from PMDG.
  • A full featured tutorial will guide you through proper operation of the 737 from power up to power down.
  • PMDG Simulations Official youTube content to aide new PMDG 737 pilots in getting the most from their purchase.
  • Free customer support both at our customer forum and directly from our support team if necessary.


Pending Future Updates to the PMDG 737-700:

  • The PMDG-EFB (cockpit tablet) remains in development and will be added during summer'22 in a free update.
  • High resolution cabin models and landing gear bay interiors for all 737 variants remain in development and will be added during maintenance updates.
  • New features added to Microsoft Flight Simulator will be made available within the 737 via free updates.  (Weather radar, for example.)
  • For the best user experience, PMDG recommends checking the Updates page in PMDG Operations Center regularly for free updates to this product.


Preis beträgt derzeit 69,99$, ab dem Release der 737-600 (geplant für 20. Juni für 50$) steigt der Preis auf 74,99$. Die -800 ist für 1. August zum vrsl. gleichen Preis wie die -700, die -900 für 12. September angekündigt noch hone Preis. Es wurde einschränkend mitgeteilt, dass die Daten sich noch höchstwahrscheinlich ändern werden. Preise sind für alle Versionen einzeln, es gibt keine Combi-Rabatte oder Bundles.

Käufer der NGXu für P3D erhalten übrigens 99,95$ in ihrem PMDG-Account, welche sie bis Dezember 2024 für jegliche MSFS-Add-Ons bei PMDG nutzen können.

Bearbeitet von conaly
  • conaly änderte den Titel in PMDG 737 (-600, -700, -800) für MSFS erschienen

Inzwischen sind auch die -600 und vergangene Nacht die -800 erschienen. Die kleine 737-600 gibt's zum Dauertiefpreis von 34,99$, die 737-800 kostet derzeit (genau wie die -700) bis vrsl. Ende Oktober als Early Adopter 69,99$, danach steigt der Preis um 5$.



Hello and Welcome to Release Day for the PMDG 737-800 for Microsoft Flight Simulator!


A few moments ago we have released to you this wonderful new simulation product through our store at www.pmdg.com. It is available under special "Early Adopter" pricing for $69.99 through the end of the early adopter period, which we anticipate will end in October.

The 737-800 is by far the most popular of the vaunted Boeing 737 series, with nearly 5,000 units produced by Boeing, and nearly 4,600 still in operation worldwide. This airplane serves as the backbone to many world airline fleets, with some famous names attaching their growth to the success of the 800 as a market builder, such as RyanAir, Southwest, Delta and others.

PMDG have faithfully reproduced the details and nuances of this airplane, from both large and small differences in the aircraft systems, to the differences in how the airplane flies and the unique energy management challenges it presents to pilots flying the 737-800 in the real world. Now you too, can experience the difference between flying the longer, heavier sibling of the 737-600 and 737-700 airplanes!

One of the details that simmers will notice right away is the change in pitch technique required when leaving and returning to a runway. In the 737-800, speed management and pitch control are far more important. Rotate at too low a speed, and you risk dragging the tail. Get slow on final approach and you have the same risk. Speed control is important, and recognizing the difference in deck angle required will make it interesting for those of you who routinely switch between the shorter 700 and the longer 800 such as pilots at many airlines are required to do.

We have been working hard all summer to bring you this in depth, high accurate simulation of the 737-800 and all of it's systems. We appreciate your company this summer during our work and we hope you enjoy taking her out on flying adventures the world over!

Since the 737 product line is in it's Early Adopter period, we have many new features still coming during the days and weeks ahead! Stay tuned here for previews of our upcoming PMDG Universal Flight Tablet, expanded features for the entire 737 product line and of course the upcoming 737-900 series as well!

Thank you from all of us on the PMDG team. We are celebrating 25 years of bringing highly detailed aircraft simulations to the simming marketplace- and your enthusiasm for our products is very much appreciated. The hard work of Asobo and Microsoft, combined with your enthusiasm in the market have combined to create a better environment for PMDG's products than we have ever seen- and we most appreciate your embrace of our product lines.




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