Sales Geschrieben 26. Februar 2021 Geschrieben 26. Februar 2021 Verkaufe das A5 Buch von Captain Mike Ray "Airbus A320 pilot handbook: Simulator and checkride techniques" für interessierte Sim Piloten um vertieft ins Thema "reales" Fliegen des A320 einzutauchen. Neupreis war $89. Verkaufspreis CHF45.- zzgl. Porto, gebrauchter, aber guter Zustand. This is a 400 page 6 X 9 inch Black and White paperback version of Captain Mike Ray's "Unofficial Airbus 320 Series manual". This document is presented as a less expensive version of that document. And while it incorporates all of the features and information, it is lacks the beautiful color and lay-flat characteristics of the original document. Zitieren
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