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Release-Wochenende für die PMDG 747-8

Empfohlene Beiträge


Dieses Wochenende soll die PMDG 747-8 Erweiterung released werden ?




mit dem Release wird es ein paar Änderungen für das Basepack (747-400) geben:

P3D V4:

- Neu wird es nur noch Support für P3D Version 4.3+ geben (die anderen Versionen sollten trotzdem funktionieren, einfach ohne Support Unterstützung).

- Das Basepack wird nach dem Release der 747-8 teurer (ca. 5$)


P3D V3:

- Basepack wird ebenfalls teurer (ca. 5$)

- es wird keine Regeneffekte geben (ebenfalls in der 747-8 Erweiterung auch nicht)



- Basepack wird teurer (ca. 10$)

- kein Rainmaker



Prepar3D v4.3+ Users

  • PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II Product Update (estimating Build 3.00.9004)
    • PMDG RainMaker Functionality (release for 747-400 expected approximately Nov, 1.)
  • PMDG 747-8 Queen of the Skies II Expansion Package
    • PMDG RainMaker Functionality
    • PMDG Electronic Flight Bag w/computation features and Airport Mapping.


Prepar3D v3,  FSX, and FSX-Steam Edition Users:

  • PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II Product Update (estimating Build 3.00.9004)
  • PMDG 747-8 Queen of the Skies II Expansion Package
    • PMDG Electronic Flight Bag w/computation features and Airport Mapping.



Speaking of Versions:  Prepar3D Users BEWARE that we have some changes coming:  With the advent of our support for the Prepar3D product line, we have tried very hard to support any possible version that you might wish to use.  We shortly afterward dropped support for v1 and v2 of Prepar3D because it simply wasn't possible for us to maintain compatibility across the product platforms without limiting growth on the top end of the product line.


Fortunately, we haven't run into this with Prepar3D v3 and v4 (yet), but we are starting to see problems across the Prepar3D v4 product line maintaining version between 4.0-4.3.  For this reason, we are updating the product requirements on the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II and PMDG 747-8 Queen of the Skies II to Prepar3D v4.3.  This doesn't mean it won't run on earlier v4.x versions, but it does mean we won't be able to support you if you have trouble with the product not running in earlier versions and you choose not to be on the latest update of Prepar3D.



Pricing Expectations:

As always, we will not be announcing pricing until release, but I can tell you that pricing will be *slightly* higher than previous expansion products due in large part to the amount of work required to build the simulation of this truly stunning modern airliner.


Additionally, effective with the release of the PMDG 747-8 Queen of the Skies II, there will be a small price adjustment to pricing on the base package of the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II for both FSX (appx. $10) and Prepar3D users (appx $5). 



Die 747-8 ist released!


Preis für die P3D Version ist 69.99$ und für die FSX Version 49.99$


Vor der Installation muss zwingend die 747-400 deinstalliert und die aktuellste Version aus dem Online Shop neu installiert werden, sonst funktioniert die Erweiterung nicht.

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