MartinM Geschrieben 2. Juli 2018 Geschrieben 2. Juli 2018 Nachdem sich Frank nun an ORBX angeschlossen hat kommt Bewegung in den X-Plane rein. Frank wird sich auf X-Plane Entwicklung konzentrieren. Matterhorn war das erste Projekt. Nun folgt Monument Valley. On 6/28/2018 at 9:54 PM, Frank Dainese said: Thanks to everyone and to orbx for this opportunity. I tried to improve the already good scenery of the Monumnet Valley for FSX. It was not easy ... X-Plane offers beautiful graphics and very realistic light effects, but developing scenery is much more complicated than FSX. However, from a scenic point of view, I consider X-Plane superior to FSX and P3D, I can't express myself on airplanes / avionics, but it is certainly improving also in that sector. X-Plane is gaining many admirers. My choice of developing for x-Plane, even if more complicated, is only for an aesthetic reason. One of the most difficult problems to solve in X-Plane are the meshes. To be able to position the 3D models it is necessary to modify the meshes and this implies a remarkable work of patience. Unfortunately, the only mesh compilator that we have available is very unstable and doesn't allow a job of great precision, for every small change you have to recompile the whole degree, with all the consequences. I have to thank my friend, collaborator, Fabio Bellini who in this field has helped me in a decisive way. Zitieren
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