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Thema: „Vuichard Recovery“ technique trains helicopter pilots to recover from a vortex ring state with minimal loss of altitude. In the vortex ring state, helicopters lose the ability to maintain lift and begin to drop. For more than 30 years, pilots have been using Vuichard’s method to adjust their controls and exit the ring state by moving the aircraft to the side. While various helicopter operators have adopted the „Vuichard Recovery“, several organizations have publicly supported this technique. Both the International Helicopter Safety Team and the U.S. Helicopter Safety Team have published Airmanship Bulletins supporting this maneuverer. Meanwhile, Robinson Helicopters integrated the Vuichard Recovery into its safety course. Already several pilots reported that they have saved their lives with this technique. During this one hour presentation, you will learn how to avoid all Vortex Ring State accidents in the future: • Avoidance of a VRS • Prerequisites of a VRS • Typical signs of a VRS • Recovery from a VRS by applying the „Vuichard Recovery“ • What you usually don’t know about VRS • Effect of win and up- and downdrafts • Danger of modern helicopters with a high disk load • Difference between main rotor vortex and the rotor blade tip • Why only the „Vuichard Recovery“ technqiue should be used to escape from a VRS Der Akademische Aviatikverein Zürich lädt alle Interessierten zu diesem öffentlichen Vortrag mit anschliessendem Apéro riche ein. Die Veranstaltung wird unterstützt durch Axa Winterthur. Anmeldung erwünscht! Hinweis: Der Vortrag wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten. Referent: Claude Vuichard, HAI Helicopter International Safety Award Winner 2018 Zeit: Dienstag 20. November 2018, 18:15 - ca. 19:45 Uhr Ort: ETH Zürich, Maschinenlabor, ML D28 Ich würde mich freuen, einige von euch begrüssen zu dürfen!
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- helikopter
- vortex ring state
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