Wenn ich alles richtig verstanden habe und wenn das so stimmt, was da geschrieben steht, dann gehe ich davon aus, dass in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft so mancher "fliegende Oldtimer" in Europa am Boden stehen bleibt: „In a new and unexpected initiative the European Aviation Safety Agency has drafted a new rule that would mean flight time on Annex II aircraft (essentially, but not exclusively ‘non-EASA’ out-of-production types with no continued manufacturer design support and homebuilts) will not be credited for the purpose of issue, revalidation or renewal of an EASA licence, rating or certificate” Aus: http://www.pilotweb.aero/news/easa-rule-would-exclude-hours-flown-in-vintage-aircraft-homebuilts-1-5402155?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social_Icon&utm_campaign=in_article_social_icons